Ayurvedic management of Tamakshwasa with special reference to Bronchial Asthma: A case study
Department of Kayachikitsa, M.A.M.’s Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Malwadi, Hadapsar, Pune – 411028, Maharashtra State, India.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 333–338
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0408
Publication history:
Received on 02 April 2022; revised on 10 May 2022; accepted on 12 May 2022
Introduction: According to Ayurveda, Shwasa Vyadhi is group of symptoms like Sakashta Shwasa (breathlessness), Atiswedapravartana (excessive sweating), Hrutpeeda (mild chest pain). Tamakshwasa can be correlated with Bronchial Asthma due to its signs and symptoms.
Objectives: To study the effect of Bibhitaki, Shunthi, Pippali, Shwaskuthar Rasa with Madhu for Lehana in Vegavastha and Avegavastha of Shwasa Vyadhi.
Material and Methods: A 55 yrs/Male patient who was a K/C/O Bronchial Asthma since 4 years came to OPD with the above mentioned symptoms. He was admitted in ward for 4 days. He was treated with Bibhitaki (1gm), Shunthi (500mg), Pippali (500mg), Shwaskuthar Rasa (125mg) Lehana during hospital stay as well as on OPD basis over the period of 15 days as an adjuvant treatment. During treatment at outpatient department, periodic follow ups were taken for assessment. Concomitant treatment included.
Since 3 years patient was taking treatment for Bronchial Asthma. Addition of Bibhitaki (1gm), Shunthi (500mg), Pippali (500mg), and Shwaskuthar Rasa (125mg) Lehana showed promising
Results as it acts on PranavahaSrotas. It helped to reduce the symptoms of Shwasa Vyadhi like breathlessness, excessive sweating, and mild chest pain.
Observations: There was significant reduction in symptoms such as SakashtaShwasa (breathlessness), Atiswedapravartana (excessive sweating), Hrutpeeda (mild chest pain). Clinically, there was significant reduction in wheezing also. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS scale) was applied for evaluation of all above symptoms. It was observed that Visual Analogue Scale (VAS scale) score also improved after the treatment.
Conclusion: Bibhitaki (1 gm), Shunthi (500 mg), Pippali (500 mg), Shwaskuthar Rasa (125 mg) are effective in Vegavastha and Avegavastha of Shwas Vyadhi as an adjuvant treatment along with concomitant medications.
Bibhitaki; Shunthi;Pippali;Shwaskuthar Rasa; Bronchial Asthma;Tamakshwasa
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