Availability and utilization of the projecting multimedia for computer education in senior secondary schools in Nnewi Metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria, West Africa


Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 159–166
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.2.0966
Publication history: 
Received on 19 March 2023; revised on 01 May 2023; accepted on 03 May 2023
The study investigated the availability and utilization of the projecting multimedia for computer education in the senior secondary schools in Nnewi metropolis. The simple random sampling (SRS) technique was employed during the selection of schools for sampling. The design of the study was the survey descriptive design. Four research questions guided the study. The sample used for the study consisted of one hundred and twenty (120) students, nine (9) teachers and six (6) principals. The research instrument used for the study was the questionnaire. The result of the study showed that majority of the schools did not have nor use the projecting media gadgets for the teaching of computer science in the senior secondary category. The descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) was employed during the data analysis which showed that the performances of teachers and students on computer science were far better in those schools that had and used the projecting multimedia during teaching and learning as opposed to those of their counterparts that did not have nor use the projecting multimedia while teaching and learning. The teachers’ log and progress report books were also studied in the course of the data collection which revealed that teachers who used the projecting multimedia for teaching were able to record success from the students’ angle and from their own side as they performed better, met their target among other numerous advantages. Therefore, the government, school authority, academic staff, non-academic staff and the students were advised on the significant roles they will play towards the availability and utilization of the projecting multimedia for effective teaching and learning of computer science in the senior secondary schools at Nnewi metropolis.
Multimedia; Projectors; Teaching; Learning; Computer; School
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