Assessment study of the importance of computer technology in nursing health care

Wasfi Dhahir Abid Ali, lauy abdulwahid shihab *, Taiba Mahdi, Ahoud Muhammed and Hiba Jassim

Department of basic sciences, College of nursing, University of Basrah, Iraq.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 567–571
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.2.0744
Publication history: 
Received on 29 March 2023; revised on 07 May 2023; accepted on 09 May 2023
The current study is a descriptive study conducted at the College of Nursing at the University of Basra for the period from October 2021 to April 2022.Electronic health records help nurses communicate more efficiently by eliminating most misinterpretations of written and verbal orders. As well as nurses can create and manage electronic health records and update them, as needed. The collected data analyzed to observed the percentage and mean of score and significance. result showed that the percentage of male was (35%), female (64%), secondary school was (24%),medical institute (35%). Bsc. (29%).1-5 years of experience was (59%),6-10 years (14%). 11-15 years (8%). more than 15 years (12%).
 On other hand 50% of questions answers were significant concerning use of computer technology in health and 90% of the  particepitants offer to use computer technology in nursing work. The evaluation of computerization at work was mainly influenced by the positive aspects and satisfaction with computer use so the study indicates the needs of nurses to use computer technology in the field of health care, record information and communicate with regard to determining treatments and following up on the patient’s health status. Field of study in computers, public health.
Detailed Study; Information Technology; Health Staff; Information Health
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