Assessment of the salinity level of water and sediments used for irrigation and agricultural farming in Jos north
1 Department of Chemical Sciences, Federal University, Kashere P.M.B 0182 Gombe State Nigeria.
2 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal College of Forestry Jos, P.M.B 2019, Plateau State, Nigeria.
3 Department of Soil Science, Federal University, Kashere P.M.B 0182 Gombe State Nigeria.
4 Department of Agricultural Extension and Management, Federal College of Horticulture, Dadin-Kowa P.M.B 108 Gombe State Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(01), 202-208
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.1.0372
Publication history:
Received on 06 October 2020; revised on 19 October 2020; accepted on 23 October 2020
Irrigated agriculture is dependent on an adequate water supply of usable quality. The different Irrigation sites were identified randomly, and named A, B, C, D and E respectively. Therefore, water and sediment or soil samples were collected from Rukuba Road River, Yelwan Zangam River, Gangare River, Busa Buji River and Angwan Rimi River respectively in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria to evaluate their salinity level suitability for irrigation purpose and Agricultural Farming. The analytical results shows that the Electrical conductivity (EWc), Total dissolve solids (TDS), Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and specific ion toxicities of water and sediment are as followed: Rukuba Road River “A” (ECw = 508.00 µs/cm, 897.00µs/cm; TDS = 440.50 mg/l, 540.60mg/l and SAR = 12.73, ND), Yalwan Zangam River “B” ( ECw = 750.00µs/cm, 987.00µs/cm; TDS = 330.20mg/l, 470.50mg/l and SAR = 12.56, ND), Gangare River “C” (ECw = 489.00µs/cm, 897.00µs/cm; TDS = 40.70mg/l, 550.90mg/l and SAR = 13.16, ND), Busa Buji River “D” (ECw = 250.00µs/cm, 499.00µS/cm; TDS = 355.60mg/l, 495.00mg/l and SAR = 14.06, ND) and Angwan Rimi River “E” (ECw = 1030.00µs/cm, 1233.00µs/cm; TDS = 460.00mg/l, 610.60mg/l and SAR = 11.20, ND). The salinity of river A B C D fall within the normal ranges which were of excellent quality and considered to be highly suitable without any restriction on the use. Water and sediment from Angwan River “E” (ECw = 1030.00µs/cm, 1233.00µs/cm; TDS = 460.00mg/l, 610.60mg/l and SAR = 19.20, ND) will be highly suitable under proper management such as improved irrigation system and schedule, light soil with good infiltration and internal drainage and plant with good salt tolerant. The variation in chemical composition of the irrigation water and sediment sources could be attributed to the fact that the Angwan Rimi River “E” water and sediment sources are located within Jos metropolis. The additions from waste waters (domestic sewage and municipal), dirt and suspended inorganic matter and automobile effluents from Mechanic workshops could contributes to the high levels of Salinity, SAR and Total hardness and specific ion toxicities of the irrigation water.
Electrical conductivity; Total dissolve solids; Sodium adsorption ratio; Specific ion toxicities; waste waters
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