Assessment of heavy metal and physicochemical parameters in the soil from automobile mechanic villages in Makurdi, Nigeria

Raymond Msughter Agaku 1, *, Gloria Ojochegbe Friday 1, Samuel Omenka Ode 1, Matthew Inalegwu Amanyi 2, Onwoke Ebibi Elijah 2 and Favour Ember Waghbo 1

1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Benue State University, Makurdi-Nigeria.
2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo-Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(03), 1971–1981
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.3.1864
Publication history: 
Received on 25 July 2024; revised on 14 September 2024; accepted on 16 September 2024
The accumulation of spent oil from mechanic workshops in Makurdi, Nigeria was assessed of heavy metals (zinc, chromium, copper, Nickel) concentration. soil samples were collected from four points each from three different mechanic workshops at depth of (0-5) cm, 20 g of soil was dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water for 30 minutes. Filter using sieve to get the stock, the concentration of heavy metals was detected using Lovibond® Tintometer Model MD 600, the results indicate the following levels, in Kanshio. Zn 020, Cr 900, Cu 300, Ni 000, in Wadata Zn 000, Cr 000, Cu 000, Ni 72.5andnorth bank Zn 60, Cr 0.00, Cu 700, Ni 0.00. Physicochemical parameters where also determine with the use of Hannah Multimeter water tester model HI 98129. pH, Electrical Conductivity, total dissolved solids and Temperature were determined by using HANNA®multimeter water tester model HI 98129.The results indicate the following for Kanshio (pH 5.3, TDS 506000 mg/kg, EC 1012 us/cm, Temperature 27.9 oC, moisture 12.6 %, N 152000 mg/kg, P 2000 mg/kg potassium 800 mg/kg) for Wadata (pH 5.1, TDS 362000 mg/kg, EC 720 us/cm. Temperature 27.2 oC, moisture 6.1%, N 532000 mg/kg, P 1700 mg/kg, potassium 2100 mg/kg). For North bank (pH 7.6, TDS 453000 mg/kg, EC 908mg/cm, Temperature 26.8 oC, moisture 8.9%, N 152000 mg/kg, P 2300 mg/potassium 600 mg/kg). The findings of this pollution levels of these mechanic villages would add to the environmental database which will assist in the monitoring and comprehensive waste management plan of high concentration in heavy metals in the soil.
Heavy Metals; Physicochemical Parameters; Pollution Load Index; Geo-accumulated index (Igeo); Soil Contamination
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