Arteria Lusoria: Computed tomography aspects: Two cases report in Niger

Inoussa Daouda BAKO 1, 4, *, Mahamane Rabiou SANI ZAKARI 2, 4, Mahamat Hissene TIJANI 1, Mahamane Rabilou SALEY MANI 1 and Sory Oumarou SIDIKOU 3

1 Department of Radiology, General Reference Hospital, Niamey, Niger.
2 Department of General Surgery, General Reference Hospital. Niamey, Niger.
3 Department of Cardiology General Reference Hospital, Niamey, Niger.
4 Department of Surgery and Surgical Specialties, Abdou Moumouni University, Niamey, Niger.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1290–1294
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.3.0796
Publication history: 
Received on 31 January 2024; revised on 10 March 2024; accepted on 12 March 2024
The term arteria lusoria designates an arterial anatomical variation concerning the supra-aortic trunks and which particularly concerns the right subclavian artery. It is a right subclavian artery which arises directly from the aorta downstream of the left subclavian artery and which crosses the midline to join the right supraclavicular region. It is the most common anomaly of the supra-aortic trunks.
The authors report their experience with two cases of this anatomical variant. One of the cases was discovered incidentally, the second case was discovered following the exploration of symptoms described by the patient.
Both cases were explored by CT scanning with injection of iodinated contrast product, which made it possible to describe the origin of the artery, its route, its caliber, among other things.
Arteria Lusoria; Supra-Aortic Trunks, CT scan; Niger
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