Application of biodegradable plastic and their environmental impacts: A revie
Environmental Sciences Department, College of Science, University of Zakho, Kurdistan region, Iraq.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 2139–2148
Publication history:
Received on 10 December 2023; revised on 20 January 2024; accepted on 22 January 2024
The increasing environmental concerns linked to the extensive use of traditional plastics have led to a rising interest in bioplastics, mostly because of their capacity to biodegrade and their reliance on organic materials. This study examines the harmful impacts of petroleum-derived plastics on the ecosystem, animals, and human health, highlighting the pressing requirement for sustainable alternatives. The enduring characteristics of plastics, together with their role in exacerbating global warming and emission of harmful gases when burned, highlight the urgency of discovering environmentally-friendly alternatives. The research promotes the use of biodegradable materials as a practical alternative, highlighting their ability to break down through the action of microorganisms without causing harm to the environment. In addition, the text discusses the constraints of recycling and highlights the importance of developing alternatives such as polylactide, polyhydroxyalkanoate, polyhydroxy butyrates, starch, and cellulose to reduce the negative environmental impact of conventional plastics. This work adds to the current discussion on shifting towards sustainable materials in order to address the growing problem of plastic pollution.
Bioplastics; Plastic pollution; Biodegradability; Recycling; Sustainable alternatives.
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