Antimycotic systems of bifidobacteria

Vladimir Mikhailovich Lakhtin *, Mikhail Vladimirovich Lakhtin, Valeriy Yurjevich Davydkin, Alexandra Vadimovna Melikhova, Igor Yurjevich Davydkin and Olga Gennadyevna Zhilenkova

Department of Medical Biotechnology, G.N. Gabrichevsky Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russia 125212, Moscow, Admiral Makarov Street, 10.

Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 09(01), 069-074
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.9.1.0496
Publication history: 
Received on 22 December 2020; revised on 02 January 2021; accepted on 04 January 2021
Based on own data, the basis positions concerning probiotic  bifidobacteria as producers of adaptable and controlled network of functionally coupled antimycotics of the recognition type (lectin and lectin-like type) were described. Such antimycotics act as an organized ordered system of metabolomebiotics which are distinct from the classical antibiotics, acting with other (expanded) mechanisms resulting in increase of resistance of the organism protective network. Bifidobacterial antimycotics are represented by probiotc lectin and postbiotic systems of promised prophylactic and therapeutic significance in future.
Bifidobacteria; Probiotics; Postbiotics; Antimycotics; Lectin systems; Glycoconjugates
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