Analysis of public perceptions towards agrotourism (Case Study of The Zafarm Agrotourism in Palembang City)
1 Department of Masters in Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia.
2 Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 074–080
Publication history:
Received on 21 May 2024; revised on 29 June 2024; accepted on 02 July 2024
This research aims to determine the public's perception of The Zafarm Agrotourism. The sample of respondents in this study used an accidental sampling technique, which was calculated using the Slovin formula so that the number of respondents was 72 people. The analytical method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Data was collected using questionnaires both directly and online via Google Drive links and barcodes. The results of this research show that the public's perception of The Zafarm Agrotourism in terms of the dimensions of attractions, accessibility and amenities is in agreement, where the public's perception of The Zafarm Agrotourism object in terms of the attractions dimension has a total score of 1.501, which is in the score range of 1.224–1.511 according to the criteria agree, the public's perception of The Zafarm Agrotourism object in terms of the accessibility dimension has a total score of 579, which is in the score range 489–603 with the criteria of agree, the public's perception of The Zafarm Agrotourism object, which is viewed from the amenity dimension, has a total score of 578, which is in the score range of 489 –603 with agree criteria. This means that The Zafarm Agrotourism object is well received by the community. The natural beauty, unique experiences in learning about agricultural cultivation with the cultural nuances of Palembang City, the availability of infrastructure, affordable road access, and other supporting facilities such as learning media for the visiting public are the attractions of The Zafarm Agrotourism.
Perception; Agrotourism; The Zafarm; Tourist Attraction; Public
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