Analysis of occupational health and safety management system internal audit implementation based on SMK3 PP No. 50, 2012 (Study at Pasuruan Concrete Industry, Indonesia)

Milla Wahyu Wulandari 1, *, Meirina Ernawati 1, Bian Shabri Putri Irwanto 1, Fitri Cahyani Siregar 2 and Bima Agung Lande  

1 Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
3 Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Foresty, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 2131–2138
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.1.0244
Publication history: 
Received on 10 December 2023; revised on 20 January 2024; accepted on 22 January 2024
Technological updates impact the risk of new hazards that can cause accidents and occupational diseases. The risk of hazards in the workplace is controlled through control efforts and the commitment of industries and workers to implementing the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Indonesian manufacturing industries in implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management System are guided by SMK3 PP No. 50, 2012. Internal audit includes the fourth principle of occupational health and safety management system, namely monitoring and evaluating Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) performance. This research is descriptive research that aims to describe and analyze the application of occupational health and safety management system based on SMK3 PP No. 50, 2012 at Pasuruan Concrete Industry, Indonesia. Information sources are obtained from in-depth interviews, filling out document study checklist sheets, and field observations. The method to obtain in-depth interview informants through purposive sampling, with research informants is the party who has the authority and knowledge regarding the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the Pasuruan Concrete Industry, Indonesia. Of the total 166 elements required by SMK3 PP No. 50, 2012, the company managed to fulfill as many as 160 elements, or 96%, with the category 'Satisfactory'. Overall, the company implements occupational health and safety management system progressively and sustainably, as evidenced by the increase in achieving the conformity of occupational health and safety management system audit internal elements and the guarantee of worker safety and health starting from management support, OHS programs, and the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure.
Occupational Health; Occupational Safety; Internal Audit; Occupational Health and Safety Management System; Zero Accident 
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