An analysis of the obstructive factors that impact the growth of entrepreneurs among university graduates in Bangladesh
1 Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh.
2 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business, Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET), Natore-6431, Bangladesh.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(02), 305–315
Publication history:
Received on 19 June 2024; revised on 30 July 2024; accepted on 01 August 2024
The development of university graduate’s entrepreneurial intentions is essential for the financial stability of developing countries like Bangladesh. The purpose of the research is to detect the variables that inhibit or impede Bangladeshi university graduates from starting new businesses. The study was carried out. 150 recent business graduates from five institutions in Bangladesh—three public universities and two private universities—were chosen and interviewed for the study. The participant graduates completed a standardized survey with a five-point Likert scale, and secondary information was gathered from a variety of sources. In order to describe the current state of entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh and pinpoint factors that discourage university graduates from starting their own businesses there, descriptive data were employed. This study’s reliability, validity, and regression have been tested with the help of SPSS (version 21). The findings of the study explore that lack of self-confidence and serenity, absence of desire to lead successfully, lack of a favorable environment, absence of determination, and learning have a positive impact on enhancing the growth of entrepreneurs among university graduates in Bangladesh. That means these four factors are significantly connected to the overall obstacle to university graduates in Bangladesh. On the contrary, a lack of resources and financial support has a negative impact on enhancing the growth of entrepreneurs among university graduates in Bangladesh. The findings of the investigation are expected to help policymakers better understand their entrepreneurial intentions in the context of university graduates and design an effective business strategy to enhance the growth of entrepreneurship among fresh university graduates in the competitive market.
University graduate; Entrepreneurial growth; Entrepreneurship determination and learning; Business Environment; Sources of Capital
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