Analysis of interventions and social work services in the Psychiatric Hospital “Sadik Dinci” Elbasan, Albania

Flutra Musta * and Monika Bogdanova

Department of Social Work, Faculty of Pedagogy,  Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(01), 270-278
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.1.0175
Publication history: 
Received on 17 March 2021; revised on 20 April 2021; accepted on 22 April 2021
Recent changes, especially after the 90s in Albania, have marked an important turn in the whole health system and even more so in the field of mental health. With health services, policies and social services were implemented to people with mental health problems, and it in this form that there was a need to bridge these policies and services to beneficiaries, such as social workers in mental health. Now the social worker is one of the key persons in the multidisciplinary team whose purpose is to identify, diagnose, treat, plan and integrate these people into society. The study aims is to identify the support and role of social work in persons with mental health disorders at Psychiatric Hospital “Sadik Dinçi” Elbasan, Albania and in the supported housing in this city. Qualitative method was used for conducting the study, and semi-structured interview with a focus group of 4 social workers of this hospital, 2 social workers of Elbasan Community Mental Health Center and 4 day-care ergo therapists located within the premises of the hospital was used as measuring instruments to this hospital. Also, a survey was conducted with 15 patients of the hospital. According to the study, the role of the social worker is well positioned in the field of mental health, but at the same time the study highlights the need for modern European interventions and models for integrating these individuals away from the walls of psychiatric hospitals, models where these individuals are supported and integrated in society.
Mental health; Social policy; Social work; Intervention; Elbasan
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