Analysis of Hot Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Vertical Market Integration in Gorontalo Province

Rahayu Nangsi Paramata, Asda Rauf and Ria Indriani *

Agribusiness Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Province.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 1158-1165
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.2.0912
Publication history: 
Received on 01 April 2023; revised on 15 May 2023; accepted on 17 May 2023
This research gives 1) an identification of hot pepper prices in Gorontalo Province, 2) an analysis of hot pepper price fluctuation in Gorontalo Province, and 3) an analysis of hot pepper vertical market integration in Gorontalo Province. It was undertaken in April-June 2022. The data used were secondary. The method was descriptive-quantitative, with analyses of IMC (Index of Market Connection), Coefficient of Variation (CV) by finding the standard deviation, and price fluctuation. The results demonstrated the highest price of hot pepper around IDR67,708.00/kg prevalent at the consumer level in 2019. The lowest one, that was around IDR26,392.00/kg came about at the producer level in 2018. The price mostly fluctuated at the consumer level with a coefficient of the standard deviation of 17,281.52. At the producer level, it came with a standard deviation of 12,202.82. Price stability was relatively small at the producer level with a low-price fluctuation but was relatively high at the consumer level that, accordingly, had a high price fluctuation. The IMC (Index Market of Connection) was 0.76. The market integration grew higher or stronger. That is, price changes at the consumer level could be significantly perceived by producers. It exhibited how prices at the retailer level affected prices at the farmer and consumer levels.
Vertical Market Integration; Hot Pepper; Capsicum frutescens; Market Integration
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