Analysis of google classroom utilization as a tool to enhance blended learning in federal polytechnic Mubi Amidst Intense Security and COVID-19 Challenges
Department of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(02), 018–023
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.2.0378
Publication history:
Received on 25 March 2022; revised on 28 April 2022; accepted on 30 April 2022
Teaching and learning have improved in the twenty-first century as numerous pedagogical technologies have been produced to support learning throughout the universe, where traditional classrooms have been turned into virtual classrooms to facilitate blended learning. The Nigerian education system has suffered a setback as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the country's strong insecurity concerns, both of which have had a significant impact on the country's education system, making it harder for students and teachers to collaborate in learning. This paper aimed to analyze the utilization of Google Classroom as a tool for teaching and learning in the Federal polytechnic Mubi. The study used a total of 475 questionnaires to collect data from Lecturers of the institution, and a simple percentage was used to analyze the results. Our findings revealed that 55% of the respondents believed that Google Classroom made it easy to upload course materials to students, 65% also believed that Google Classroom made it easy to grade students’ assignments/quizzes, and 61% likewise attested that Google Classroom was of great significance in timely completion of course delivery and assessment. Therefore, this paper concluded that Google Classroom was utilized in the Federal Polytechnic Mubi amidst insecurity and COVID-19 challenges. The paper recommends the adoption of Google Classroom as a tool to enhance blended learning in Nigerian tertiary institutions.
Google classroom; Technological tools; Teaching and learning; Blended learning; COVID-19 and Insecurity challenges
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