An analysis of the effect of procurement practices on public institutions: an examination of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (mmdas) in the Ashanti region of Ghana

Moisob Adamu 1, *, Kelvin Gyamfi 2 and Graham Billa 3

1 Ahafo Ano South-West District Assembly, Box 9, Mankranso-Kumasi.
2 Local Government Service of Ghana, Box MB 396, Ministries-Accra.
3 C.K Tedam University of Technology & Applied Sciences, Navrongo-Upper East.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(03), 083–093
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.3.0490
Publication history: 
Received on 25 September 2021; revised on 25 November 2021; accepted on 27 November 2021
Governments in both affluent and developing countries employ procurement strategies to decrease costs, resulting in large cash outflows that have a substantial influence on their economy. However, especially in the public sector, public procurement practices are usually disregarded in terms of their impact on an organization's success. As a result, utilizing Metropolitan, Municipal, and Distract Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ghana's Ashanti Region as case study institutions, it is unavoidable to investigate public sector procurement practices and their impact on organizational performance. The survey study design was used to map out the data collection process. A purposively sampled cohort of 113 people was used to administer the questionnaire. Using the Probit Regression Model, the study claims that procurement practices such as planning, sourcing, and contract management have a substantial positive link with organizational success. Given the interdependence of all dimensions of procurement practices, procurement practitioners are urged to give each factor proportionate attention to improve organizational performance.
MMDAs; Procurement; Practices; Organizational Performance
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