Ameliorative effects of palm oil on sniper induced toxicity on the cerebral cortex of adult male Wistar rats

Nkemjika Nnama *, Ezejindu D. N., Udodi P. S., Agulanna A. E., Enemuo I. C and Okafor E. C.

Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 809–815
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1496
Publication history: 
Received on 17 June 2023; Revised on 12 August 2023; Accepted on 15 August 2023
Introduction: Sniper insecticide is a highly toxic, water soluble, synthetic organophosphate belonging to the DDVP (2, 2 — dichlorovinyl dimethylphosphate) compound family of chemicals. It’s wide spread indiscriminate indoor usage and more recently, an effective instrument for suicide related mortality which has been a source of great concern. Red palm oil, on the other hand, is an edible vegetable oil from the fleshy pulp of the oil palm that contains antioxidants; carotenoids that is responsible for its color (pigmentation) and Vitamin E that support brain health. This palm oil is consumed widely, used as an antidote in Nigeria and so is used for various ingested poisons.
Aim: This study is aimed at investigating the ameliorative effects of palm oil on sniper induced toxicity on the cerebral cortex.
Materials and methods: Sixteen adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 4 per group). Group A was the Control, while Group B was administered just sniper (5 mg/kg), Group C was administered 2 ml of Red oil and Group D received 5 mg/kg of sniper + 2 ml of red oil. At the end of the experiment, the rats were sacrificed, their brains extracted and fixed in 10% formal saline for routine histological analysis.
Results: There was significant increase in the body weight of Groups A, B, C and D. The relative organ weight of Wistar rats showed an insignificant decrease in the relative brain weight of Group B compared to the Control. Groups C and D also had a relative decrease in comparison to the control. The cerebral cortex reveals neuronal damage and proliferation of glial cells in the sniper-induced group and the mild recovery of neuronal cells in the rats treated with sniper and palm oil.
Conclusion: The results from this study shows that there was a significant reduction in organ weight in Group B [Sniper only] when compared to the control group. When palm oil was administered, there was mild recovery of neuronal cells. This shows the ameliorative effects/ impact of Palm Oil in Neurotoxicity. 
Sniper insecticide; Neurotoxicity; Palm oil; Cerebral cortex; Antioxidant
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