Alopecia areata: Impressive results using low-level laser therapy

Emily Alice Russu 1, 2, Mara Madălina Mihai 1, Lucian Emil Russu 2, Michael Gabriel Russu 2, Maria-Angelica Bencze 1, Ştefan-Dimitrie Albu 1 and Cristina-Crenguța Albu 1, *

1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, 37 Dionisie Lupu Street, 1st District, 020021, Bucharest, Romania.
2 Bioderm Medical Center, 42 Mihai Eminescu Street, 1st District, 10518, Bucharest, Romania.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 14(03), 011–015
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.14.3.0499
Publication history: 
Received on 26 April 2022; revised on 31 May 2022; accepted on 02 June 2022
Alopecia areata (AA) is a genetic and autoimmune-mediated disease which specifically targets anagen hair follicles. The disease affects children and adults, men, as well as women, and is characterized by round or oval patches of hair loss. We are presenting here a spectacular case, extremely rare, of AA localized at the level of the scalp, which was successfully treated by Sunetics Laser (Sunetics International, Las Vegas, NV, USA) therapy. Post laser therapy, hair regrowth in the areas that presented hair loss previously, as well as repigmentation, was noted.
Alopecia Areata; Laser Therapy; Hair Growth; Red Light; Diode Lasers; Repigmentation
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