Agricultural extension workers’ perception, usage, and satisfaction in use of internet in the Islands region of South Nias Regency, Indonesia (An Analysis using SEM-PLS Model)
Agribusiness Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Business, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Jalan Diponegoro 52-60, Salatiga 50711, Central Java, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(03), 346–362
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.3.1769
Publication history:
Received on 23 July 2023; revised on 04 September 2023; accepted on 06 September 2023
The Internet is a potential information resource for agricultural extension. This study aimed to analyze agricultural extension workers' perceptions, usage, and satisfaction with the Internet and the effects of the perceptions on the level of usage and satisfaction with the Internet. The research was conducted in September-October 2022 at the Islands Region of South Nias Regency, the largest archipelago on Sumatra, and included as an underdeveloped territory in Indonesia. The research uses census techniques by interviewing all agricultural extension workers at South Nias. To describe the behavior of the Internet, use cross-tabulation and Spearman correlation. Path analysis using smart-PLS 4.0 is applied to know the direct and indirect effects of perceptions on the level of usage, and satisfaction of Internet, based on the Theory of Acceptance Model. Results of the research show that agricultural extension workers in South Nias use the Internet 4-6 hours/day with 7-8 sources, dominantly on cultivation techniques information and fertilizer prices. Generally, internal characteristics did not relate to the perception and satisfaction of using the Internet by agricultural extension. The path analysis showed that perception significantly influences the use and satisfaction of the Internet. The level of internet usage does not influence internet usage satisfaction, and it concludes that internet usage is not a mediating variable to affect the satisfaction of using the Internet in the model.
Agricultural Extension Worker; Internet; Perception; Satisfaction; South Nias Indonesia
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