Ageing process and policosanol effects

José Illnait-Ferrer, Julio César Fernández-Travieso *, Yenney Reyes-Nuñez and Alicia de la Caridad Duquesne-Chávez

Clinical Trials Unit, National Centre for Scientific Research, Havana, Cuba.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 273–283
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.2.0242
Publication history: 
Received on 19 May 2021; revised on 30 September 2021; accepted on 02 October 2021
The fundamental concepts of the aging process are exposed: Its dimension as a health problem, aspects related to its repercussion from the social point of view, and Its influence on aspects that can affect the normal development of contemporary society. The roles of genetics, cellular and biochemical processes that concur in the development of aging is analyzed, making special reference to the role of Adenosine Mono Phosphate Kinase [AMPK]. activation in the regulation of the aging process and the participation of mechanisms for its activation. It is concluded that Policosanol is a medicament of natural origin that could be proposed as candidate to be used for a healthy aging, based on the results of various investigations in experimental models and data obtained from different clinical trials.
Policosanol; Again process; Clinical trials; Adenosine Mono Phosphate Kinase [AMPK].; Molecular mechanism
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