Advances in soil reinforcement techniques for earthquake-resistant foundations

NM Galagali 1, *, Sateesh Gaonkar 2 and Madhu 1

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Raichur, Karnataka, India.
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Government Polytechnic Karwar, Karnataka, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 10(03), 436–447
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.10.3.0156
Publication history: 
Received on 14 May 2021; revised on 26 June 2021; accepted on 28 June 2021
This paper examines recent advancements in soil reinforcement techniques for earthquake-resistant foundations, focusing on innovative methods that significantly enhance soil stability and structural integrity during seismic events. The study investigates geosynthetic reinforcement, advanced soil mixing methods, micropiles, and novel materials such as fiber-reinforced soils and nanomaterials. These techniques offer improved resistance to liquefaction, enhanced load-bearing capacity, and reduced settlement in seismic conditions. Case studies from high-risk zones, including Japan and Greece, demonstrate the real-world efficacy of these approaches. Performance evaluations, utilizing shake table tests and numerical simulations, provide quantitative evidence of their superiority over traditional methods. The paper concludes that these advancements have the potential to revolutionize foundation design in earthquake-prone regions, particularly for critical infrastructure and high-rise buildings. Recommendations for future research include the integration of smart materials, development of sustainable reinforcement methods, and exploration of self-healing foundation systems. This comprehensive review underscores the critical role of continued innovation in geotechnical engineering for enhancing global seismic resilience.
Soil reinforcement; Earthquakeresistance; Foundations; Geosynthetics; Soil mixing methods
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