Addiction withdrawal syndrome: Needs medications, education, counselling & support
1 Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, B.Pharmacy College, At Rampura, PO Kakanpur, Taluka Godhra, District Panchmahal, Gujarat, India.
2 Department of Pharmaceutics, B.Pharmacy College, At Rampura, PO Kakanpur, Taluka Godhra, District Panchmahal, Gujarat, India.
3 Department of Pharmacology, B.Pharmacy College, At Rampura, PO Kakanpur, Taluka Godhra, District Panchmahal, Gujarat, India.
4 Department of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Pharmacy, PK University, At Thanara (Karera), District Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 143–150
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.2.0573
Publication history:
Received on 30 September 2021; revised on 05 November 2021; accepted on 07 November 2021
Addiction is a feel good or euphoria like condition which is commonly associated with drug abuse (opioid & non-opioid), alcohol and nicotine intake. There are many reasons behind a man gets addicted to these substances such as recreation purpose, drugs used for long time for treatment of any disorder and gets addicted, unemployment, stress, emotions, professional pressure and social status. It provides enjoyable feelings which results in creating a strong urge to use the substances again and again. These drugs can cause physical dependence or psychological dependence or both. Over time, drug tolerance is produced which means to get the same effect more quantity of the drug is needed. These substances are very harmful physically, mentally, financially and socially too. If someone suddenly terminates using these substances after heavy or long term use, the body needs time to recover and number of withdrawal symptoms arises. These withdrawal symptoms can’t be treated by medications only but it needs counselling and support as well. This article reviews i. the drug abuse (opioid & non-opioid), alcohol and nicotine addictions with their withdrawal symptoms and medications used to treat these symptoms ii. Rehabilitation centers running and other steps taken by Government of India to aware people especially the youths of the country about the harmful effects of these substances.
Drug abuse; Addiction; Addiction withdrawal; Withdrawal symptoms; Addiction withdrawal syndrome; Addiction withdrawal symptoms
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