Acute non-specific abdominal pain: Diagnostic laparoscopy or inpatient observation?

Ammari Smail  *

Department of General Surgery, Ain Taya Hospital, Algiers, Faculty of Medicine of Algiers, Algiers University 1, Algeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(03), 728–734
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.3.1593
Publication history: 
Received on 14 April 2024; revised on 20 May 2024; accepted on 23 May 2024
Introduction: There are significant divergences in the approach and management of acute non-specific abdominal pain. Opinions are divided between inpatient observation and diagnostic laparoscopy. The objective was to evaluate the rate of acute non-specific abdominal pain and the diagnostic value of laparoscopy as a substitute for inpatient observation in an emergency context.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive, prospective, and evaluative study conducted between February 2018 and October 2021. Our study included 337 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery for non-traumatic acute abdominal emergencies.
Results: Among the 337 patients operated on for non-traumatic acute abdomen, laparoscopy was used for purely diagnostic purposes in 2.1% of cases, which were acute non-specific abdominal pains that we managed. The average age was 33 ± 11 years (range: 20–43 years). The average body mass index of our patients was 24.44. Patients were classified as ASA I in 85% of cases. Laparoscopy avoided 02 unnecessary laparotomies. The length of hospital stay was 2.25 days ± 01 day. The morbidity and mortality were zero.
Conclusion: Patients suffering from severe non-specific abdominal pain after complete conventional investigations should undergo diagnostic laparoscopy if symptoms persist.
Acute abdomen; Diagnostic laparoscopy; Non-specific abdominal pain
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