Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis

Gabriela Carvalho Maciel 1Leonardo de Oliveira Antunes 1, Victor Augusto Dias Chaves 1, Otávio Cabral Coelho 1, Vitor Gibran Lemes Nunes 1, Eder Roberto Antoniello Capuzi 1 and Luiz Carlos Maciel 2, *

1 Course of Medicine, University of Taubaté, Brazil.
2 Department of Urology, Course of Medicine, University of Taubaté, Brazil.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 087–100
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.3.0344
Publication history: 
Received on 20 January 2023; revised on 28 February 2023; accepted on 01 March 2023
Objective: To know the profile of Hypogonadism and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis studied.  Method: The case-control study was the Case group, consisting of patients with CKD on hemodialysis (INEFRO) and the Control group by patients under outpatient follow-up. The Androgenic Deficiency in Aging Males (ADAM) and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaires were applied, and the following clinical examinations were performed: orchidometry, analysis of hair distribution, gynecomastia and BMI. Results: ADAM’s mean score was 4.2 points (case) and 1.9 points (control). In the Case group 60% have observed decreased libido and 70% perceived that the erections are less vigorous. In the Control group, prevalence decreased to 30% in both questions. In the analysis of IIEF-5, the mean score was 16.63 (case) and 19.93 (control). 60% of patients in the Case group and 50% of the Control group have some degree of ED. Gynecomastia was evaluated in 20% (case) and 7% (control). The orchidometry of the Case group revealed prevalence in 53.33% of testicular volume 3 patients of the orchidometer. In the control group, the most prevalent measure was 4, found in half of the patients (50%). Conclusions: Through the questionnaires applied in both groups with similar mean ages, it can be inferred that patients in the Case group experienced earlier, throughout the dialysis process, a direct impact on sexual quality, with decreased libido and difficulty in the reaction when compared to the Control group.
Hypogonadism; quality of life; Chronic kidney disease; Erectile dysfunction
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