Evaluation of two commercial inoculates and a probiotic food additive as seeds in BOD testing

Mahamah Dintie S *, Wuraola Adeleye and Chung Jae H.

Hal and Inge Marcus School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Saint Martin’s University, 5000 Abbey Way SE Lacey, Washington 98503, USA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 07(03), 110-120
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.7.3.0248
Publication history: 
Received on 07 July 2020; revised on 01 August 2020; accepted on 03 August 2020
Five-day seeded Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) tests using Glucose-­Glutamic acid (GGA) substrate were carried out. The seeds used are a regular seed an NX seed and an over-the-counter food supplement commonly referred to as a probiotic. The purpose was to determine if seed type influenced 5-day BOD test results. The NX seed contained a chemical formulation designed to inhibit nitrification. Test results indicate that 5-day BOD varied significantly with each seed. Micrographs of stained samples prepared from cultures of the three seeds identified Gram-stain negative rods present in all the three inoculates.
BOD test; Probiotic supplement; BOD seed; Gram stain.
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